Screenshot of writing markdown using Demo Markdown Notebook
This basic note taking app was my first SvelteKit project after completing the Mozilla Svelte Tutorial. Over the course of about 2 weeks, I successfully mashed enough libraries together to create something half functional.
2023-12-18 UPDATE: This blog was updated to be a more sensible. The project is now deployed on AWS using SST.
Svelte and SvelteKit were extremely easy to pick up. Components can be dynamic and styled all from a single file. This was much better than Django and HTMX.
I can understand why Typescript would be a requirement for large and complex projects. When everything has a clear type, it is easier to understand how you should use different functions and objects. However, there is an annoying learning curve. I found many of the type errors provided by VSCode confusing.
I took me a while to understand TailwindCSS, probably because I didn’t understand CSS. Tailwind only provides styles while a library like Bootstrap provides complete components. After some usage, I think Tailwind is different approach and provides a lot of customization and flexibility.
The Tailwind class names are unwieldy, but using classes allowed for better uniformity between components without global styles.
Tailwind also has a great plugin for typography.
Ace Editor
Ace is a web text/code editor with support for writing markdown. Although I could have used the an Svelte Ace component package, I decided to implement the component myself for practice. Svelte doesn’t have a large package ecosystem, so it is important learn how to create custom components for existing JS package.
The documentation for Ace was frustratingly sparse. I should have just used a better markdown editor.